Many hydroponic growers have only grown fruits, herbs, and veggies. But what if you decided…

Growing cucumbers with Hydroponics or aeroponics can either be a great choice for you, or a bad choice. You will need a lot of space and room to grow these! I’ll explain How to grow Cucumbers with Hydroponics and Aeroponics.
Let’s get to planting!
Cucumber Facts
- Optimal PH: 5.0 -6.0
- 1190-1750 PPM
- Temp: 70-85 Degrees
- Enjoys warm temperature, and hard light
Grows Well With Hydroponically
- Tomatoes
- Eggplant
- Bell Peppers
- Hot Peppers
- Honeydew
- MuskMelon
- Watermelon
Grows Well With in Soil
- Legumes
- Corn
- Beets
- Carrots
- Onions
- Sunflowers
Grows Well With Aeroponically
- Bell Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Marigolds
- Dill
- Oregano
- Radishes
Hydroponic Cucumbers
Are you a fan of cucumbers, but tired of buying them from the grocery store? Have you considered growing your own hydroponic cucumbers? While hydroponic cucumbers can be a bit of a challenge, with the right techniques and tools, you can grow fresh, healthy cucumbers in your own home.
The first step in growing hydroponic cucumbers is to choose the right seeds. It is recommended that you buy cucumber seeds that pollinate themselves, as this will save you the hassle of manually pollinating the flowers.
Once you have your seeds, it’s time to start planting. It’s important to use a large container to avoid stressing the plant. If the container is too small, the plant will turn yellow and may not produce any cucumbers.
When planting your seeds, make sure to leave enough space between each plant. As the roots grow, they will need plenty of space to spread out. Aim for a distance of 2-6 feet between each plant.
One of the most time-consuming aspects of growing hydroponic cucumbers is pollination. Cucumber plants have both male and female flowers. The male flowers are simply flowers, while the female flowers have a small cucumber growing beneath them. To pollinate the flowers, you will need to take pollen from the male flower and apply it to the female flower using a paintbrush. If you skip this step, your cucumbers will not develop properly and may shrivel up and die.
With a little patience and dedication, you can grow your own hydroponic cucumbers and enjoy fresh, healthy produce all year round. Remember to choose self-pollinating seeds, use a large container, and give your plants plenty of space to grow. With these tips in mind, you’ll be harvesting cucumbers in no time!
Growing Hydroponic Cucumbers Indoors is so Easy!!
Aeroponic Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a popular vegetable that can be grown in a variety of ways, including aeroponically. Aeroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using a nutrient-rich mist to provide the necessary nutrients to the plants. While growing cucumbers aeroponically is possible, it can also be a challenge. Here’s what you need to know about growing cucumbers aeroponically:
Choose the Right Cucumber Variety
When growing cucumbers aeroponically, it’s important to choose the right variety. Some cucumber varieties are more suited to aeroponic growing than others. Look for varieties that are known for their compact growth and high yield. Miniature cucumbers are a good choice for aeroponic growing, as they require less space and can be grown vertically.
Provide the Right Nutrients
When growing cucumbers aeroponically, it’s important to provide the right nutrients to the plants. This can be achieved by using a nutrient-rich mist that is sprayed onto the roots of the plants. The mist should contain all the necessary nutrients for the plants to grow and thrive. It’s important to monitor the nutrient levels regularly to ensure that the plants are getting everything they need.
Maintain Proper Lighting and Temperature
Cucumbers require a lot of light to grow, so it’s important to provide them with the right lighting. LED grow lights are a good choice for aeroponic growing, as they provide the right spectrum of light for plant growth. It’s also important to maintain the right temperature for the plants. Cucumbers prefer a temperature range of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s important to keep the growing environment within this range.
Monitor for Pests and Diseases
Just like with traditional growing methods, cucumbers grown aeroponically are susceptible to pests and diseases. It’s important to monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases, and to take action immediately if any are detected. This may include using natural pest control methods or applying fungicides if necessary.
Growing cucumbers aeroponically can be a challenge, but it’s also a rewarding way to grow this popular vegetable. By choosing the right variety, providing the right nutrients and lighting, maintaining the proper temperature, and monitoring for pests and diseases, you can successfully grow cucumbers aeroponically.
Indoor Cucumbers
Are you interested in growing cucumbers indoors for the first time? If so, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure that your plants thrive and produce great cucumbers.
First of all, you need to make sure that you have enough space for your plants. Cucumber plants can grow quite large, so you’ll need to give them plenty of room to spread out. Each plant should have 2-6 feet of space to grow, depending on the variety you choose.
Next, you need to be prepared to give your plants plenty of water. Cucumber plants are big water drinkers, so you’ll need to make sure that you keep up with their needs. You should also make sure that you’re using the right solution to keep your plants healthy and happy.
If you notice that the leaves of your cucumber plants are looking stressed, it’s a good idea to check the water. Make sure that you’re not overfilling the system, as this can cause your roots to drown. Leave about an inch or two of the root dry to keep your plants happy.
Once your plants start to grow, you can use a plant rod to help them wrap themselves around it. This will help them to grow tall and strong, and it will also help to keep them from falling over. You can even use yarn to hang from the ceiling and clip it to the plant so that it doesn’t start to dip over the side of the container.
Growing cucumbers indoors can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it does require a bit of work and attention. By following these tips, you can help your plants thrive and produce great, big cucumbers that you can enjoy all year round.
Pruning is an essential task when growing cucumbers indoors. It involves cutting off dead or dying leaves to ensure the plant is healthy and productive. If you notice yellowing or shriveled leaves, it is a sign that the plant is struggling, and it may be time to start pruning. When a leaf dies, the plant focuses all its energy on it, which can negatively affect the rest of the plant. By removing the dead leaves, you can redirect the plant’s energy to other parts, such as the fruit, ensuring a healthy and productive crop. Pruning also helps to increase air circulation and reduce the risk of disease, making it a vital part of growing cucumbers indoors.
Pest Control
Just like any plant, pests are going to appear. For cucumbers, a few that are known to attack your plant are: white flies, spider mites, thrips , aphids, flies. You can control these by simply keeping your area nice and clean. Always clean up any spilled water around the area.
Diseases are common in any plant system. Growing cucumbers, you’ll have to keep an eye out for Powdery Mildew, which is the most common. To avoid this, keep your area clean!
Tips & Tricks
- Parthenocarpy means the plant is self pollinating
- Cukes is another word for Cucumber
- If your leaves are starting to look a little soggy, keep in mind that cucumber leaves do not like to get wet. Avoid the leaves while giving them water
- If you notice that your leaves are starting to turn yellow, it could possibly be a fertilizer or pesticide burn. This is just when you place too much fertilizer in with the roots
- Cucumbers are heat sensitive
- If you are having issues with self pollinating, pluck the make flower off the plant, peel away all the petals to expose the center where the pollen is, and run it inside the female’s flowers for several seconds. This has helped many people with pollination.
- Cucumbers need a lot of water and light

Inside Scoop
Males flowers appear before the female flowers, be patient.
Cucumbers hate growing next to tomatoes.
If you pollinate a non pollinated cucumber, it could mess the growth and plant up.
Growers love the Cal Mag for their Cuke Plants.
A growers using the AeroGarden Farm mentioned that the hole is very small and cant test water with their meter. They had suggested to use a turkey baster, grab some water and place it in a cup, and test it that way.
The leaves of cucumbers tend to be fragile and sensitive.
The roots of the cucumbers are very large, keep this in mind when deciding to grow them.
It is recommended that you grow cucumbers in a larger AeroGarden, being that cucumbers are a very tall plant. If you decide to take the risk and grow in a smaller system, you will need to prune the leaves down to ensure the entire plant is getting the right amount of light.
Before diving into each system and seeds, there are two different varieties of Cucumbers; Bush and Vine. The Bush type is for smaller systems that do not need to be supported by anything. Vine Cucumbers are a larger plant, requiring more support and space.
Best for AeroGarden Sprout 10″
The AeroGarden Sprout has a 10″ grow height available, deciding to plant Cukes in this could be risky, but is possible. To achieve this, you will need to prune as the plants grow, giving the right amount of light to each leaf, and growing cucumber. When cutting the leaves, always cut the oldest leaves to give the new ones a fair chance, and do yourself a favor and plant the Bush variety!
- Spacemaster Cucumber Seeds – You will need to ‘Be the Bee’, pick these while they are small!
- Burpee Pick-A-Bushel – These are great for beginner’s as they only get to 4″ tall!
Best for AeroGarden Harvest 12″
- David’s Garden Seeds – Self pollinated “best- tasting cuke on the planet”.
- Manny Cucumber F1 – Self Pollination; Produce so many Cukes, and has a excellent flavor
For the larger systems with a large grow light, you will need to create some type of trellis for the vines to climb up on to. A trellis is a support system for the plant to climb up.
Try out the Trellis Netting! It’s super easy to set up and will make your plants super happy and stronger. This is a netting that is strong enough to hold your plants strong stems and vines. Cut it to size to fit your plants needs.
Best for AeroGarden Bounty 24″
- Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds – These have great reviews for germination, and growth rate + they are self pollinated!
- Burpee Straight Eight Slicing – Classic Cucumber with great flavor; known as a Cucumber Superstar.
Best for AeroGarden Farm 24XL 36″
- Sow Right Seeds Collection – This variety has 4 types, which is perfect for the Farm XL!
- Burpee Sweet Success Slicing Cucumber Seeds – This Self pollinated cucumber is sweet, and has a great yield rate.
Best for iHarvest
For the IHarvest, you may want a Vine type of Cucumber, this way it can grow up the Trellis. I listed the best ones below for you!
- Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds – With a 90% germination rate, these are great when growing in an IHarvest with a Trellis. You will need to be-the-bee for this variety.
- Sow Right Seeds, Beit Alpha – This self pollinating cuke is a heavy producing plant!
For gardens, you can really plant any type of cucumber seed you would like! You will need a trellis as mentioned before, dig it into the ground so it can withstand high winds.
- Tomatoes Cages – This is perfect for growing outdoor cucumbers
- Long Green Cucumber – These grow very long, and are great for the soil!
Vertical Gardens

A vertical garden is a technique to grow plants along a wall, using hydroponics. Many people like to cover the back side with a bamboo trellis so the plants can climb along it. Here are some great seeds to begin growing:
- Spacemaster Cucumber Seeds – These grow large, and everyone loves growing them!
- David’s Garden Slicing Dasher ll – Within 60 days, you will have dark green straight fruit.