Tomato! Have you ever wondered if you can regrow tomatoes from tomatoes that you already have?
Well the answer is: Yes! You can!
Throughout this blog, I will be explaining to you how you can regrow a tomato from a tomato slice.

Step One:
Choose the tomato that you would like to regrow. Did you know there are thousands of different types of tomatoes?
Step Two:
Once you have your tomato picked out, cut the tomato into slices.
Step Three:
Then, place the tomato slices under 2cm of soil.
Step Four:
Water it thoroughly. It will take around 20 days for the plants to be big and strong enough to transport to the system that you are choosing.

Step Five:
While your tomatoes are starting to grow, find a suitable location for your gardening system to continue growing.
Keep in mind that hydroponic systems are for indoor use only. Most are used in greenhouses. They require special equipment, and must be controlled at all times with temperature and humidity to function. Meanwhile, there are also smaller systems you can purchase if you want to grow hydroponically in your home!
Step Six:
Then, you will need to find a reservoir. You can use a plastic bin, bucket, trash can, etc. You can use many different types of equipment as long as it is new or slightly used and thoroughly cleaned.
The most essential part is that you need to make sure that it doesn’t allow light to enter the system where the water is. Light will cause algae and other bacteria to grow and damage your plants.
You will want a reservoir large enough to hold your tomato plant.

Step Seven:
Locate a tray to place above your reservoir.
In addition, this tray will need to be sturdy enough to hold your plants, as well as contain the water and nutrients your plants need.
The container with the tomatoes needs to be placed higher than the reservoir to let the water drain.
Step Eight:
Add a water pump inside of your reservoir.
Additionally, you can use a fountain pump which you can get at many stores. Or, you can purchase a water pump at hydroponic stores.
For more information on which hydroponic water pump you can use, check out this website!
You will use your water pump to send water to the tray that is containing the plants. This will allow the water and nutrients to flow through the roots of your plants.

Step Nine:
Add in tubing between the reservoir and the tray. Water needs to get to your tray somehow, right?
You can use the tubing that came with your kit if you bought a kit, but you also can use PVC tubes.
Attach the tube from the water pump to generate water flow into the tray that has the roots of your tomato plants.
Equally important, you will need to add enough water for the tray to have enough water in it to touch the roots.

Step Ten:
Install a bucket or system that that will catch the overflow of the water.
When you’re creating this system the tube should be larger in diameter than the inlet tube from the pump. This will allow the pump to avoid flooding.
Step 11:
Install a timer for your water pump.
The benefit of a hydroponic system is that your plants receive the water and nutrients at specific times and increments.
Most water pumps will come with a timer. So, when you are purchasing your water pump, you will need to buy one that does have a timer setting to help you with this step.

Step 12:
Turn on the water pump to test out the system. If there is too much or not enough water, then you can adjust the settings on your water pump.
Step 13:
Once your seedlings are ready to be transported, you can move the seedlings into the hydroponic system.
Don’t move them until the first leaf has grown, and their roots start to come out of the bottom.
Place them from 10-12 inch intervals in your hydroponic system tray.
Step 14:
Set the timer for your water pump.
There is not a “standard” time or consistency for the hydroponic systems since it is still fairly new to agriculture.
However, you do not want to go more than 2.5 hours without running the water pump.
If your plants start to wilt or develop spots, you will need to adjust the settings and timer on your water pump.
Increase the time if your plants begin to wilt, because they are not receiving enough nutrients and water.
Decrease the water if the roots are slimy and over-watered.
Step 15:
Place the plants into your hydroponic system!
Be sure to change your water and nutrients daily for fresh, healthy, and clean plants.